Posted by gurur@j on Sunday, February 28, 2010 , under | comments (0)


Google had launched a new product called
GOOGLE SMS.Its an free sms services offered by google you can get alerts from google.Register to google sms in a few minutes you can setup your mobile to receive SMS alerts for all your mails !!! :).



Sign in with your gmail user name/password if prompted enter your nickname and mobile number
check your mobile for your verification code and complete the verification process.
change the maximum message perday to 9999

Now Go to  and signin\create a blog\go to seetings click on Email tab enter
a name in the mail-to-blogger address and save that address select the publish Emails immediately

Now GO TO-

and click Trynow give all the details select the blogger\type your blog address which you have just created

Now login to  and signin and click seetings enter the mail address u saved from  and paste  it\then save changes.

Thats all!!
All your mails are forwarded to your blog from there you will get sms alerts !!!!

lord basaveshwara

Posted by gurur@j on , under | comments (0)


Posted by gurur@j on Friday, February 26, 2010 , under | comments (0)


How to get help if your online presence is compromised


Email abuse-Receiving vulgar e-mail from a known or unknown person.This may include receipt of threatening/abusive/obscene content.

Email hacking/privacy attack-

Someone accesses your email or social networking account
Cyber stalking-cyber-stalking refer to the use of the internet,e-mail,or other electronic communications devices to stalk,follow or keep track of another person.In cyber stalking the criminal commits repeated acts of harassement or threatening behaviour towards the victim by using internet services such as email or social networking websites.

Denial of service-In this case the cyber criminal floods the bandwidth of the victim's network with repeated requests.Eventually this consumes the bandwidth of the network which then fails to serve legitimate request nad ultimately break down.

Hacking-This involves illegal/unauthorised intrusion into a computer sysetm or network.

Cyber impersonation/Cyber defamation-If some one set up a fake profile pf your on a social networking web site and posts from that profile.

online Fraud-This includes any-thing from phishing websites,email scams,virus hoax emails.Fraudsters create seemingly authentic websites or email the victim to divulge sensitive information such as login ids and passwords.

In all of the above you need to report these crimes to the nearest cybercrimes investigation cell or nearest police station.certain police stations in the country have been assigned as cyber policestation.In case of hacking,intrusion attempts and online frauds,you should also report to CERT in addition to the nearest CCIC.

organisation contact

ACP Cyber crime cell

Cyber Crime investigation cell cybercell.                 

crime investigation departnment                            

Cyber Crime police station                                   

Indian computer Emergency                                  
Response Ream(CERT)

Cyber Crime Reporting Center


Posted by gurur@j on , under | comments (0)

setting up


Facebook is the latest rage in the social networking arena.With in numerable apps out there,it's easy to get lost in Facebook .Find out how you can tap the excisting side of the face book by creating your own app.Before you actually start writing your application,you need to register your application with facebook and get someapplication-specific information that will be essential for your application to communicate with the facebook patform.By this,we mean the API key and the secret key that needs to be specefied in your code.

Log into your Facebook account and go to
http://www.facebook/developers .Add the application to your Facebook profile.on the top right corner,you will see the "set up new Applications" on it.Given your application a name that help other identify it.Agree to facebook Terms and conditions and click on save changes.

Now that the basic stuff is in place,you'll need a logo to associate with this application.This just makes it easy for people to recognise your application through the facebook application directory.You can also add an email addressthat people can use for technical support.

Head over straight to the canvas tab.There you will see render methods.You have to choose between iFrame and FBML.For this example to be simple,we will use FBML.Choose it and click on save can also need to populate the base and callback URL for your application.Base URL is the just the fancy URL name that other people will be using to access your appliction page.Facebook will provide immediate feedback if that URLis unavailable,in which case you should pick something.The callback URL is the actual stuff that points the applciations to yourserver.Make sure you enter the URL of the folder in which your index.php and other pages are located and not the actual index.php URL.

Next head over the advanced settings website for this example as we will be creating a traditional web app that integrates with a facebook and not a desktop app which accesses facebook using the API and is run like on a normal desktop application.Now go the authentication options tab.Here you can select who all can add your applications to their facebook account specify a URL textbox.It is the url that the facebook sends a notification to,once a user authorises your application.Select the wide option in the default profile box column for a rich experiences.Also fill in the URL that you want users to get redirected to after installing your applications in the post-authorised redirect URL on the canvas URL,basically the URL you typed in the base URL field earlier.

Finally,click the submit will be taken to the My application page where you will get access to your API key and the secret keyalong with other meta information about your application.

Creating your Facebook application

Now that you have your API and secret key,you are ready to create an application using the facebook client library.we are more or less done on the facebook site as of now.First thing you need to do now is to download the client library.we are more or less done on the facebook site as of now.First thing you need to do now is to download the client library files of the programming language that you will be using(PHP,in our case)by going to the application page on or .Facebook officially support PHP and java client libraries, and ASP.NET by its collaborated project with microsoft- .The unofficial libraries of several othe programming languages can also be found on the facebook developers wiki

The canvas page of seeting

Now you nee to uncompress the downloaded file and copy the client file libraries in the folder  that you specified as your canvas URL while setting up your

application.The PHP client library that we will using is under the main folder named you need to create a new file named appinclude.php.You can use dreamviewer to do this or even  simple text editing softwares such as notepad.This file will contain the  facebook initilisation code required by your application to connect to the facebook platform.You will have to include this file in all other PHP files in your APIkey,secret key and callback URL.

set-up application type to web
Type out the following code in the this file:

require_once  '../facebook- platform/client/facebook.php';

$appapikey = '[api_key]';

$appsecret = '[secret_key]';

$appcallbackurl = '[web_app_callbackurl];

$facebook = new


$user = $facebook->require_login();


if(!$ facebook->api_client->user_isappadded()); {



} catch(exception $ex) {

$ facebook->set_user(null,null);




Replace the API key,secret key and the callback URL whenever required.

Next log on to your web server(your callback URL,rember?)and create a folder for your application.This is required because the facebook.php path in the require_once statement of the applinclude.php file we just wrote requires your app files to be located in a seperate parallel folder with the facebook client libraries.This step is flexibe as you can change the path of facebook.php in appinclude.php if your folder struture differs.

you are now ready to write index.php of your application.The necessary code in that file has to be-


These are basically the title of your application,the PHP start and end tags and require_once statement to include appinclude.php file.

You can play around this page as you desire.Let us make our application display the user's name.For this,you need to type in the following php code in your index.php after the necessary code-


we are basically using the fb:name FBLM tag to render the name of the current user.If you want to add a list of your  facebook friends,you can do this by the following code in your index.php-


$friends =$facebook->api_client->friends_get();


foreach($friends as $friend)


echo "



echo "

To try out this application,save the file,and copy it into your application folder on your web server.Next enter the canvas page URL of your application after making sure you are logged into Facebook in your will be redicted to your callback URL and the index.php will be rendered back inside the facebook canvas.There's a lot moer you can do with your applicaiton.For starters,we could do the following:

Add content to the profile box of your application

you probably want your application to have some content when it appears as a box of the profile page.To set this up all you need to do is add some code of the index.php  file just after the require_once "appinclude.php"statememt.


useyou=\"false\" />!this application is a part of a sample guide to creating your own facebook aplciations.


Add an about page

you also should add an about page for your application so that facebook users get to know what your application is all about.Its also an important marketing step while you are promoting your application.Go back to ,and click on see my apps button in the my application profile.Here is where you can also modify your application name and the description which you initially gave while setting up your application.Add up all that's relevant to your application and click on save.


  • ";
    your friends:
    your user name is:

    Digit Test Applicaiton


    Posted by gurur@j on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 , under | comments (0)


    Stuck at work or in a traffic jam or may be in a diffrent continent altogether and that fanatic cricket fan in you is kicking and screaming at the notion of missing out on a cricket match?Fret not,google's to the rescue.In a fast of its kind initiative,google and IPL recently announced that youtube will broadcast 60 matches over 45 days live in the 2010IPL season through a dedicated channel- 

    According to the contract,Google-owned youtube shall have the eclusive rights to the online content for two years,with the two companies splitting the revenues from advertising and sponsorchips.A fact worth nothing is that the deal involves all the countries except the us,tough luck!This news comes in at a great time with the 3G auctions around the corner and increased proliferation of high speed wireless broadband connections.So now you can watch the IPL on the go on your mobile phones or netbooks without having to miss a single moment's cricket mania.Hope your boss is a cricket fan too.   

    MAC address filtering

    Posted by gurur@j on , under | comments (0)

    MAC address filtering

    Media Access Control(MAC)address is an identification all the hardware connected to your network.In a home network where there are limited number of users it is better to find out the MAC addresses of all the machines connecting to the network(enter ipconfig/all in the command pompt to get the whole list)The administrator should then feed these numbers under the permit only"tab in the wireless network access tab.This will ensure that any system whose MAC address does not pass the filter,will not be able to access the network.

    Free Domain and Hosting

    Posted by gurur@j on Monday, February 22, 2010 , under | comments (0)

    Free Domain and Hosting

    Get free domain name and hosting totally free just log in to the websites

    For Hosting only 1500mb space and other services are paid .

    Free domain name registeration  is .sign up to the website and register your domain  name free.


    Posted by gurur@j on , under , | comments (0)

    Install Linux Safely And Effectively Without Voiding Your  Warranty & Turn Your PS3 Into A Powerful PC!

    Do you want to install Linux safely on your PS3? How about the ability to play DVD`s on an advanced DVD player? Well now you can with LinuxforPS3 Installer. Our new and revolutionary software will let you do all this and more. Turn your PS3 into a powerful PC with multitasking abilities literally overnight!

    Installing Linux onto your PS3 is a tricky business and shouldn`t be done without the know-how. Using LinuxforPS3installer you will be able to install Linux safely and easily, without voiding your PS3`s warranty.

    Simply download our LinuxforPS3installer product , then follow our easy instructions that we provide. You can choose exactly which version of Linux you want to install along with all their great features.

    Another great feature about LinuxforPS3installer is the emulator feature. With this you can use Linux to install the Windows operating system. The possibilites with this are endless as you will be able to play PC games, run Windows applications and so much more.

    Turn your PS3 into a multifunctional computer by installing Linux safely.

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    Install Yellow Dog Linux and Ubuntu Linux!


    Click Here!

    VOIP(Voice over Internet Protocol )

    Posted by gurur@j on , under | comments (0)


    Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a general term for a family of transmission technologies for delivery of voice communications over IP networks such as the Internet or other packet-switched networks. Other terms frequently encountered and synonymous with VoIP are IP telephony, Internet telephony, voice over broadband                                                                          CISCO VOIP PHONE(VoBB), broadband telephony,
    and broadband phone.

             Internet telephony refers to communications services — voice, facsimile, and/or voice-messaging applications that are transported via the Internet, rather than the public switched telephone network (PSTN). The basic steps involved in originating an Internet telephone call are conversion of the analog voice signal to digital format and compression/translation of the signal into Internet protocol (IP) packets for transmission over the Internet; the process is reversed at the receiving end

             VoIP systems employ session control protocols to control the set-up and tear-down of calls as well as audio codecs which encode speech allowing transmission over an IP network as digital audio via an audio stream. Codec use is varied between different implementations of VoIP (and often a range of codecs are used); some implementations rely on narrowband and compressed speech, while others support high fidelity stereo codecs.

    PLAYSTATION-2 Extra Features

    Posted by gurur@j on Monday, February 15, 2010 , under | comments (0)

    Extra Features

    * Can I play my older PSone games on the PlayStation 2?

    Yes, PS2 is 100% backward compatible. It will not only play your older games, it has two selectable features that you can use to enhance the games:

    - A speed setting which allows you to switch between 33.8 Mhz or 37.5Mhz to speed up load times on some games.

    - The other is a Texture Interpolation option which can clean up jagged edges and other problems with textures in some games.

    However, there have been known compatibility problems with some PSone games.

    * Can I play all DVD movies on the PlayStation 2?

    As long as they're from the same region as the PS2! A PAL PS2 will not play NTSC DVDs and vice versa.

    * How do I control DVD playback?

    You can use your regular gamepad or invest in the add-on remote control unit + IR receiver for the PS2. The new PS2 models have the IR receiver implemented on the main unit, so you only require an additional remote. If you're controlling the DVD playback with your game controller, the button functions are as follows:

    D-pad - Cursor Control

    Start - Pause/Play

    Select - Display the Control Panel

    L2 - Rewind

    R2 - Fast Forward

    L1 - Previous Chapter


    R1 - Next Chapter

    L3 - Subtitle Options

    R3 - Audio Options

    X - Enter

    Triangle - DVD Menu

    Circle - Cancel/Stop

    Square - Title Menu


    * What's the Expansion Bay for?

    The expansion bay (located at the back of the PS2) is provided for a Hard Drive upgrade. If you wish to install Linux on your PS2 or play Final Fantasy XI, then you'll need the hard drive upgrade.


    What is the Linux Kit for the PlayStation 2?

    The Linux kit allows you to use your PS2 as a fully functional desktop computer. The addition of an internal hard disc drive, a keyboard, mouse and computer monitor (monitor not included) allow you to install and run a wide variety of computer applications that have been written for the Linux operating system. In addition, the kit allows you to develop your own programs that operate on Linux.

    For more information on expandability options for the PS2, refer to this article here.

    Modifying your PlayStation 2

    *What is a Mod Chip?

    A Mod Chip will allow your console to play games from other regions that your PlayStation 2 is normally not compatible with. Mod chips also allow you to play backed up games and pirated, unauthorized or illegal copies. The law in most countries will allow the purchaser of any original game to be backed-up to protect against loss due to or damage of the original. However, the PS2 has a protection scheme that essentially removes the ability to use copies. The mod chip will bypass this protection and enable the use of backups and imports from other countries. Anyone who purchases a mod chip must be aware that the use of pirate software is illegal and they must own the original game before copying a disc or using a copied disc.

    *What Else is a Mod Chip useful for?

    Mod Chips are required to run unauthorized software like the PS2 media player. This software is not illegal in anyway, its just not officially authorized by Sony Computer Entertainment. You can find more information on the PS2 media player here.

    * Will a Mod Chip harm my PlayStation 2?

    Most mod chips require a skillful installation which includes opening your console and soldering. If it's not done right, there are chances that your system may be rendered useless. Make sure you get an experienced electronics workman to modify your PlayStation 2.

    That's it for now! Expect a "PS2 Expanded" article very soon!

    PS2 Controllers AndMemory Cards

    Posted by gurur@j on , under | comments (0)

    Controllers & Memory Cards

    * What's a Dual Shock 2 controller and how is it different from a Dual Shock controller?

    Dual Shock 2 is the official controller for the PlayStation 2. The Dual Shock 2 controller features vibration function and analog controls for the PS2. The only difference between the original Dual Shock and the Dual Shock 2 is the Analog Buttons, and the black color of the Dual Shock 2.

    * Can I add more than 2 controllers to the PlayStation 2?

    Yes, but you'll have to use a PlayStation 2 compatible Multi Tap adapter. The Multi Tap adapter allows you to use 1 to 4 PlayStation 2 controllers simultaneously so you can play any game that supports over 2 players. The Multi Tap plugs in either controller port, which means two Multi Taps could easily be used for games that support up to 8 people. The Multi Tap is compatible with many PlayStation multi-player titles.

    * What other types of controllers are available for the PlayStation 2?

    Many games cannot be played to their capacity with the regular Dual Shock 2 controller. These games require specialized controllers, the most common of which are mentioned below:

    Racing Wheel: As the name suggests, the wheel is the best and arguably the most user-friendly way to play racing games. The wheel is usually shaped like a regular car steering wheel and sometimes comes with pedals and gear attachments for true-to-life racing feel.

    Light Gun: The light gun can be used with arcade shooting games like Time Crisis 2 or other such shooting games. To use it all you need to do is aim on your TV screen and pull the trigger at the targets. Many light guns come with enhancements like turbo fire and auto-reload functions.

    Dance Mat: Music games such as Dance Dance Revolution or Britney's Dance Beat can be turned to party games with these handy dance mats. All you need to do is match the screen instructions with the buttons on the mat and you'll find yourself playing and dancing with the game.

    Keyboard + Mouse: The USB ports on the PS2 support most standard usb Keyboards and mice (compatibility issues may arise with a few brands). You can use these devices for playing selected first person shooters like Red Faction 2.

    EyeToy: Sony's recently launched EyeToy is basically a USB camera that comes bundled with 12 mini-games. With the help of the camera you can put yourself in the EyeToy compatible games and physically interact with them.

    *What's a memory card for?

    A memory card is an 8 MB flash memory unit which allows you to save your game's settings and game progress on.

    *Can I use PlayStation (PSone) memory cards on the PlayStation 2?

    Only if you're playing a PSone game.


    Posted by gurur@j on , under | comments (0)


    With the whole console gaming revolution rapidly taking place in India, we at feel it's about time the Indian consumer got all his doubts cleared about the console that is rapidly gaining popularity out here and around the world. This guide is not meant in any way to help you with troubleshooting; it will just inform you about everything you need to know about the PlayStation 2 and what you can do with it.

    So here it is, everything you wanted to know about the PlayStation 2 but didn't know who to ask --


    * First comes first, what is a PlayStation 2?

    PlayStation 2 (PS2) is the latest in Sony's PlayStation series of home-gaming consoles. Unlike its predecessor, the PLAYSTATION 2 primarily uses DVD media for its games, and is capable of playing DVD movies.

    * What are the Specs of PlayStation 2?

    CPU: 128 Bit "Emotion Engine"

    System Clock: 300 MHz

    System Memory: 32 MB Direct Rambus

    Memory Bus Bandwidth: 3.2 GB per second

    Co-Processor: FPU (Floating Point Multiply Accumulator x 1, Floating Point Divider x 1)

    Vector Units: VU0 and VU1 (Floating Point Multiply Accumulator x 9, Floating Point Divider x 1)

    Floating Point Performance: 6.2 GFLOPS

    3D CG Geometric Transformation: 66 million Polygons per Second

    Compressed Image Decoder: MPEG2

    Graphics: "Graphics Synthesizer"

    Clock Frequency: 150MHz

    DRAM Bus bandwidth: 48 GB Per Second

    DRAM Bus width: 2560 bits

    Pixel Configuration: RGB:Alpha:Z Buffer (24:8:32)

    Maximum Polygon Rate: 75 Million Polygons Per Second

    Sound: "SPU2+CPU"

    Number of voices: ADPCM: 48 channel on SPU2 plus definable by software

    Sampling Frequency: 44.1 KHz or 48 KHz (selectable)

    I/O Processor

    CPU Core: PlayStation 1 CPU

    Clock Frequency: 33.8 MHz or 37.5 MHz (selectable)

    Sub Bus: 32 Bit

    Interface Types: IEEE1394, Universal Serial Bus (USB)

    Disc Media: 4X DVD-ROM (24X CD-ROM)

    * What's the price of a PlayStation 2?

    Officially, the PlayStation 2 is available for Rs. 15,990 (unmodified, with one controller) but you can probably find one at under Rs. 13,000 (with a mod chip, one controller) on the street.

    * Can I play Video CDs on the PlayStation 2?

    No. But you can play music CDs and movie DVDs.

    * Is there any other way I can connect my PlayStation 2 to the television besides the regular composite cable provided?

    There are third-party cables available for connecting the PS2 to the S-Video slot of your TV for higher image quality. There is also a digital optical out on the back of the PS2 where you can connect an amplified speaker system for true 5.1 surround sound.


    Posted by gurur@j on Sunday, February 14, 2010 , under | comments (0)


    Since the playstation 3 was always targeted at being a convergence box,sony had thrown in a lot of connectivity options into the system.

    For connecting to a television,a monitor or a project,the user can use either an HDMI or component cable.While the ps3 can be connected to multiple screen at a time through these ports,dual-screen modes are not supported as of now.

                                                              A side-view of the PS3 showcases its several   
                                                              ports for connectivity
     For the internet,a PS3 also has bluetooth v2.0 with A2DP built into system,which is used to connect to the controllers or any other accessories wirelessly.At any one time,the PS3 can support up to seven controllers.

    In case a user wants to transfer data from an external hard disk or a USB drive,the two USB ports at the front will come in hardly.This provides as easy way to back-up your saved games and other data,althrough the need forit it is greatly reduced by the large hard disks.

    Some versions of the PS3,such as the 60 GB and the 80 GB units,also come with a 5-in-1 memory card reader.This support most of sony's proprietary formats and SD cards,but you will need an adapter to connect a micro-SD card.


    Posted by gurur@j on , under | comments (0)


    The PS3 comes with diffrent-sized hard disk,ranging from 20GB right up to 80GB.The coolest part about the ps3 is that it uses a standard 2.5inch SATA hard disk.This means that as long as you find a model that is compatible with the PS3,you could easily replace the current hard disk with a larger-capacity offering.

    Now,be advised that doing so might void your warranty,and so you should only be taking on the task if you know what you are doing.Refer to a few online tutorials and videos before you decide to go i                                                        Apart from boasting of large storage cpacities,the    
                                                            ps3 hard disk also offers the unique proposition                                              of letting throw in their own2.5 inch drive

    in for bigger storage

    Blu-Ray ROM -PS3

    Posted by gurur@j on , under | comments (0)

    Blu-Ray ROM

    The playstation 3 was also to intorduce sony's new format for optical disks.dubbed Blu-Ray.By now,the war between sony's Blu-Ray and Toshiba's HD-DVD is long over with the former emerging triumphant,but at the time of the PS3'S launch,it was a big deal indeed!

    Sony was touting these disks as the future of multimedia,and gaming in particular,with a single Blu-Ray ROM affect release dates of games?Well,a large portion of developing a video game is in figuring out how to fit millions of lines of programming into the tiny 4.5-9 GB DVDs that are currently available.If a disk allowed programmers to not go through the shrinkage process,the ability to release a game becomes that much faster.


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