Writing a Good Paragraph

Posted by gurur@j on Saturday, December 11, 2010 , under | comments (0)

Good paragraph:What are they?

A paragraph is a section of writing consisting of one or more sentences giving information about the same topic.It is seperated from other paragraph by an empty line,or by indenting the first line a few spaces.We divide writing into paragraph to help the reader in two ways.Firstly,paragraph make the text seem more manageable;smaller sections look less diffciult to read than one long section.secondly,they make the text easier the understand.If topics are seperated logically on the paper,reader fint it easier both to grasp the point of each paragraph and to see how each point relate's to the other main points in the docunment.

Good paragraph:How to write them in order to ensure each paragaraph cover one topic only,plan your report carefully before you start to write it make a list 3 of all the information you want to include in each section,then divide this data up into topics(subtopics).These topics form the basic of the paragraph that will make up the section.usually,each paragraph will have a 'topic sentences'(often,but not always,the first sentence's in the paragraph)that states the main point.

The sentence's that follow expand upon,explain or exemlify the topic sentences.Read this extaken from the finding section of a feasibility from with the topic section highlighted in blue:The buliding cost of the imperial court hotel are 8% higher then the average in china,due to the location of the site.As it is on the river bank,foundation must go down to 60 feet in order to reach solid rock.Also,protective measures,such as double waterproofing the building material,must of flooding".

After the topic sentence,an explanation is given about why the loaction make the building cost high.The most paragraph following logically on the them of expense,is about the operating cos's of the imperial court hotel,and begins with a linking phrase,'In addition:such phrases help the reader to follow the argunment from paragraph to paragraph.


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