Tips For Feeding Your Cat

Wednesday, March 31, 2010 , Posted by gurur@j at 3/31/2010 07:40:00 AM

 Tips For Feeding Your Cat

Nutrition is essential for the good health and long life of every creature. Cats are not an exception. Young cats are especially pliable to nutritional imbalances and feeding errors.

The feeding habits of the cat established after weaning are very important for its future health status. Cat owners should be familiar with the nutritional requirements of their .


Cats are carnivorous animals and cannot receive nutrition from the majority of vegetable proteins. Wild cats eat the whole of their preys - muscles, organs, viscera, bones, offal, skin. Thus, they ingest the digested food the prey has eaten. This gives the cat the opportunity to receive nutrition from various sources - meat and vegetable sources.

Cats and dogs have different nutritional requirements - cats need more protein and have greater tolerance for fat.We cannot mention one particular food that all cats will like. Cat foods can be found in different flavors and textures. When you find the food your cat likes, and if it meets the nutritional requirements, stick to it and don't change it often because frequent changes may make the cat fastidious and may cause digestive problems.

What do cats need?

Cat owners should choose foods that provide all necessary nutrients and promote the good health of their cat. There are foods specially developed for kittens, mature cats, pregnant cats, but all food should contain the following essential nutrients: water, proteins (essential amino acids and nitrogen), essential fatty acids, minerals and vitamins.Proteins provide energy. They contain amino acids which stimulate the body to rebuild tissues and to perform its functions. Fats are a good source of concentrated energy and unsaturated fatty acids. Minerals regulate the functions in cat's body. Minerals include macro minerals - calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and micro minerals - copper, manganese, iron, and iodine. Vitamins are involved in many physiological processes and can be divided into two groups: fat-soluble - vitamins A, D, E and K, and water-soluble - thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, folic acid, vitamin B6 and B12.

Types of cat food

There is a variety of cat foods on the market produced by different manufacturers. We can divide cat foods into three main categories:

Dry Food

It contains approximately 6-10% moisture and has an abrasive function, so it cleans the teeth and gums, and keeps them healthy. Dry foods have a long shelf life. Food that contains 34-38% protein and 19-22% fat provides a healthy balance.

Currently have 1 comments:

  1. gurur@j says:

    i feed by cat regurally basic according to this article....

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