
Posted by gurur@j on Tuesday, May 18, 2010 , under | comments (0)


Whats is Yahoo-web-Analytics and its Features & Benefits

Yahoo! Web Analytics is a highly customizable, enterprise-level website analytics system designed to help website businesses increase sales and visitor satisfaction, reduce marketing costs and gain new insight on online customers. By storing data in raw, non-aggregated form, Yahoo! Web Analytics is more than simply a reporting tool. It is a powerful, and highly flexible, data analysis tool. Both near real-time and historical data can be segmented instantly and visualized with advanced graphs to help marketers and site designers answer specific business questions and find new insights to improve their business.

Executive Analytic Dashboards

View key performance metrics within customizable executive dashboards.

• Customize your dashboard with the KPIs, time periods, benchmarks, goals and charts that you want to track to monitor your web business. Easily create or edit your dashboard widgets and simply drag them where you want them.

• Each widget represents an underlying custom report. Just click most widgets to drill down into the report for more detail.

• Each user can create multiple personalized dashboards per website; each dashboard can be used for different needs.

• To setup a new dashboard quickly, simply copy any existing dashboard and edit it to meet your new needs.

Raw and Real Time Data Collection

Near real-time data collection allows you to see data in reporting within moments of the actual website visit.

• View visit information—on each individual visit if you choose—within minutes of it occurring on your site, for a near real-time view of your website and the impact of new website content, marketing campaigns, or news and events.

• See individual click paths, time spent, actions taken, and other information about particular visits.

• Track up to 50 different online actions; any link or page load can be tracked as a key part of your conversion funnel.

Visitor Demographics Reports

Better understand who your customers are and how to better align your marketing with your desired audience.

• The Demographic reports and dashboard provide an aggregated snapshot of the age groups, gender, and age-gender cross-tabulations of customers from each of your traffic channels. These dashboards help you picture your visitors as people rather than just a series of clicks.

• Age and gender can also be used as dimensions for filtering and segmenting data. For instance, it may be interesting to see what age and gender your campaigns are reaching, how audiences differ from channel to channel, and who your audience is for each of your products.

• Demographic information can be used to create more targeted campaigns, or to find high performing audiences in new channels.

Visitor Behavioral Reports
Learn the interest categories and top Yahoo! properties visited by your customers.

• Visitor Interests reports reveal the interest categories of your customers, based upon the types of websites they visit.

• Reports are also available providing the top Yahoo! properties visited by your customers.

• Like demographics, Interest Category and Yahoo! Property characteristics can also be used as segmentation dimensions.

• Behavioral segments can be purchased from Yahoo! or other networks.

Custom Reports and Custom Fields

Customize your data collection with Custom Fields. Customize your reports with the Custom Report Wizard.

• Track up to 38 custom fields, to capture visit data that out-of-the-box page tags do not capture. For example, a travel website might use custom fields to capture the travel destination or ticket type of the purchase. Custom fields can now be setup right in the user interface.

• Create new custom reports or edit existing reports with the metrics you need organized the way you like it, using the drag and drop Custom Report Wizard.

• Most reports allow you to quickly compare the time period you are viewing to another time period side-by-side.

Advanced Data Visualization with Notes View reporting data with new visualization options. Add notes to the chart and export annotated charts as PDF files.

• For many reports there are now advanced graphing options which allow you to add multiple metrics to a chart and select from different visual options to create advanced graphs that tell a more robust story.

• Many analysts with multiple stakeholders can save hours of reporting time by simply adding notes directly to a chart and exporting or emailing the annotated report as a formatted PDF file.

Advanced PPC Campaign Management

Track your PPC, Display, Email and other campaigns all in one place.

• Track the type of campaign (PPC, Display, Email, SEO, etc) and keyword used for each of your website visitors and see what actions, revenue and product purchases resulted from each visit.

• Import PPC campaign information from Yahoo! Search Marketing and other search engines and integrate it with the actions and revenue to help you evaluate the ROI of campaigns, keywords, products, etc. in order to optimize keyword bids, product merchandising and budgeting.

Merchandise Reporting

Identify purchase patterns to help promote profitable products.

• The Merchandise Summary tracks the products - and product combinations – that are converting best for you. This report can be easily scheduled for email delivery.

• Upload and integrate offline product information, such as SKUs, product names, product categories, and costs, via API calls, to provide new dimensions for analysis and enable truer ROI measurement.

Visitor Click Path Analysis

Analyze visitor click paths to track popular paths and identify common drop-off points.

• Track visitor clickpaths through multi-step conversion processes and troubleshoot popular paths to increase task completions. Drill down on branches of the tree structure to follow all the paths from or to that page.

• The Path Analysis report can be exported as a diagram to PDF or as data to Excel.

• The Paths to Conversion report gives you a list of all the paths that led to any of the 50 actions you can track on your site. Pre-Configured Conversion Funnels and Ad Hoc Scenarios In addition to viewing pre-defined conversion funnels, create new sales funnels on-the-fly and apply them to historical data.

• Track up to 15 steps in your pre-defined conversion funnels, or use “ad hoc” click path scenarios to view new funnels on-the-fly. Easily set up an ad hoc funnel using the page name, URL or Action, and apply that funnel to any time period in the past to immediately see major visitor drop-off points.

• You can track up to 50 different on-site Actions. Workflow Management Make site monitoring and report management easier and less time-consuming.

• Set email alerts to notify someone when a specific metric meets a condition worthy of notice.

• Schedule standard and custom reports to be regularly delivered by email. Include your logo on reports if you wish.

• Monitor events that affect your website, such as site changes or holidays, by noting them in the system and on reports.

• There are 4 different levels of user access: for each user you can specify which projects, dashboards and reports they can access.

Fast DeploymentCopy and paste our tracking code into your web pages and tracking begins almost immediately.

• Simply paste the tracking code into each of your web pages and data begins to show in reporting almost immediately.

• Track any type of page element, including Ajax, Flash and Video.

• Tracking visitors across domains is done with easy JavaScript customizations

What is web analytic

Posted by gurur@j on , under | comments (0)

What is web analytic

Web analytics is the process of measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of internet data for purposes of understanding and optimizing web usage or web page consumption by web users.

Web analytics is not just a tool for measuring website traffic but can be used as a tool for business research and market research. Web analytics applications can also help companies measure the results of traditional print advertising campaigns. It helps one to estimate how the traffic to the website changed after the launch of a new advertising campaign. Web analytics provides data on the number of visitors, page views etc to gauge the popularity of the sites which will help to do the market research.

There are two categories of web analytics; off-site and on-site web analytics.

Off-site web analytics refers to web measurement and analysis regardless of whether you own or maintain a website. It includes the measurement of a website's potential audience (opportunity), share of voice (visibility), and buzz (comments) that is happening on the Internet as a whole.

On-site web analytics measure a visitor's journey once on your website. This includes its drivers and conversions; for example, which landing pages encourage people to make a purchase. On-site web analytics measures the performance of your website in a commercial context. This data is typically compared against key performance indicators for performance, and used to improve a web site or marketing campaign's audience response.

Historically, web analytics has referred to on-site visitor measurement. However in recent years this has blurred, mainly because vendors are producing tools that span both categories.

Click Analytics

Click analytics is a special type of web analytics that gives special attention to clicks (Point-and-click). According to Google Analytics, "a 'Click' refers to a single instance of a user following a hyperlink from one page in a site to another"[7]. This definition is mostly accurate when talking about click analytics.

Commonly, click analytics focuses on on-site analytics. An editor of a web site uses click analytics to determine the performance of his or her particular site, with regards to where the users of the site are clicking.

Also, click analytics may happen real-time or "unreal"-time, depending on the type of information sought. Typically, front-page editors on high-traffic news media sites will want to monitor their pages in real-time, to optimize the content. Editors, designers or other types of stakeholders may analyze clicks on a wider time frame to aid them assess performance of writers, design elements or advertisements etc.

Data about clicks may be gathered in at least two ways. Ideally, a click is "logged" when it occurs, and this method requires some functionality that picks up relevant information when the event occurs. Alternatively, one may institute the assumption that a page view is a result of a click, and therefore log a simulated click that lead to that page view.

Key definitions

There are no globally agreed definitions within web analytics as the industry bodies have been trying to agree definitions that are useful and definitive for some time. The main bodies who have had input in this area have been Jicwebs(Industry Committee for Web Standards)/ABCe (Auditing Bureau of Circulations electronic, UK and Europe), The WAA (Web Analytics Association, US) and to a lesser extent the IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau). This does not prevent the following list from being a useful guide, suffering only slightly from ambiguity. Both the WAA and the ABCe provide more definitive lists for those who are declaring their statistics using the metrics defined by either.

• Hit - A request for a file from the web server. Available only in log analysis. The number of hits received by a website is frequently cited to assert its popularity, but this number is extremely misleading and dramatically over-estimates popularity. A single web-page typically consists of multiple (often dozens) of discrete files, each of which is counted as a hit as the page is downloaded, so the number of hits is really an arbitrary number more reflective of the complexity of individual pages on the website than the website's actual popularity. The total number of visitors or page views provides a more realistic and accurate assessment of popularity.

• Page view - A request for a file whose type is defined as a page in log analysis. An occurrence of the script being run in page tagging. In log analysis, a single page view may generate multiple hits as all the resources required to view the page (images, .js and .css files) are also requested from the web server.

• Visit / Session - A visit is defined as a series of page requests from the same uniquely identified client with a time of no more than 30 minutes between each page request. A session is defined as a series of page requests from the same uniquely identified client with a time of no more than 30 minutes and no requests for pages from other domains intervening between page requests. In other words, a session ends when someone goes to another site, or 30 minutes elapse between pageviews, whichever comes first.

A visit ends only after a 30 minute time delay. If someone leaves a site, then returns within 30 minutes, this will count as one visit but two sessions. In practise, most systems ignore sessions and many analysts use both terms for visits. Because time between pageviews is critical to the definition of visits and sessions, a single one pageview event does not constitute a visit or a session (it is a "bounce").

• First Visit / First Session - A visit from a visitor who has not made any previous visits.

• Visitor / Unique Visitor / Unique User - The uniquely identified client generating requests on the web server (log analysis) or viewing pages (page tagging) within a defined time period (i.e. day, week or month). A Unique Visitor counts once within the timescale. A visitor can make multiple visits.

Identification is made to the visitor's computer, not the person, usually via cookie and/or IP+User Agent. Thus the same person visiting from two different computers will count as two Unique Visitors. Increasingly visitors are uniquely identified by Flash LSO's (Long Storage Objects), which are less susceptible to privacy enforcement.

• Repeat Visitor - A visitor that has made at least one previous visit. The period between the last and current visit is called visitor recency and is measured in days.

• New Visitor - A visitor that has not made any previous visits. This definition creates a certain amount of confusion (see common confusions below), and is sometimes substituted with analysis of first visits.

• Impression - An impression is each time an advertisement loads on a user's screen. Anytime you see a banner, that is an impression.

• Singletons - The number of visits where only a single page is viewed. While not a useful metric in and of itself the number of singletons is indicative of various forms of Click fraud as well as being used to calculate bounce rate and in some cases to identify automatons bots).

• Bounce Rate - The percentage of visits where the visitor enters and exits at the same page without visiting any other pages on the site in between.

• % Exit - The percentage of users who exit from a page.

• Visibility time - The time a single page (or a blog, Ad Banner...) is viewed.

• Session Duration - Average amount of time that visitors spend on the site each time they visit. This metric can be complicated by the fact that analytics programs can not measure the length of the final page view[9].

• Page View Duration / Time on Page - Average amount of time that visitors spend on each page of the site. As with Session Duration, this metric is complicated by the fact that analytics programs can not measure the length of the final page view unless they record a page close event, such as onUnload().

• Active Time / Engagement Time - Average amount of time that visitors spend actually interacting with content on a web page, based on mouse moves, clicks, hovers and scrolls. Unlike Session Duration and Page View Duration / Time on Page, this metric can accurately measure the length of engagement in the final page view.

• Page Depth / Page Views per Session - Page Depth is the average number of page views a visitor consumes before ending their session. It is calculated by dividing total number of page views by total number of sessions and is also called Page Views per Session or PV/Session.

• Frequency / Session per Unique - Frequency measures how often visitors come to a website. It is calculated by dividing the total number of sessions (or visits) by the total number of unique visitors. Sometimes it is used to measure the loyalty of your audience.

• Click path - the sequence of hyperlinks one or more website visitors follows on a given site.

• Click - "refers to a single instance of a user following a hyperlink from one page in a site to another"[10]. A growing community of web site editors use click analytics to analyze their web sites.

• Site Overlay is a techniques in which graphical statistics are shown besides each link on the web page. These statistics represent the percentage of clicks on each link.

Future of SEO in India

Posted by gurur@j on Sunday, May 16, 2010 , under | comments (0)

Future of SEO in India

As technology advances with the new generation, the way we produce and sell goods and services changes. And today, the one thing that is changing the selling/purchasing game all over the world is the Internet. More and more sellers are starting to have a presence online, while more and more customers are taking their money to the Internet and exchange it for products and services.In this context, where trade barriers are falling down, developed countries like USA and those on Western Europe are protecting their markets, not with taxes, but with other types of barriers, like quality standard.

In order to overcome these, Indian companies and executives have to find market niches where they can deliver value to companies in these countries while at the same time complying with the high standards of quality. These solutions should aim at highlighting the strengths of Indian companies and individuals while minimizing their weaknesses.

A market niche that offers this opportunity is in e-commerce services, and specifically on SEO.SEO, search engine optimization, has a great potential for companies and individuals in India. The India of today offers a good amount of fresh programmers and professionals that have trained themselves in SEO services, and their competitiveness is one of the highest in the world.

Moreover, SEO services are done from a distant location, so even a company in the USA doesn’t have any location advantage over a company in India when it comes to deliver SEO solutions to a client in the USA.

In fact, the time difference sometimes offers an advantage, since a client in the USA can go to sleep and then wake up to find that his website has been optimized. An American supplier may have to take down the client’s website during American working hours, which may create an inconvenience.

And there is also the matter of price. Indian SEO companies offer cheaper solutions than their American and European counter parts. Indian companies that prove themselves over time can start to increase their prices a bit, being able to make more money while still being more competitive than American and European companies. With the increase of online sales over the world, employment opportunities for Indian programmers and coders increase and help the economy.

The easiness with which a SEO company can go online also prompts an entrepreneurial spirit among Indian professionals all over the country.Lastly, let’s not forget the Indian market itself. Having the second biggest population in the world creates
a market with enormous potential. Even if the average purchasing power is lower than in other countries, the sheer number of clients more than makes up for it.

Twitter's Chirp Conference

Posted by gurur@j on Saturday, May 15, 2010 , under | comments (0)

Twitter's Chirp Conference

Twitter's official annual developer festival-Chirp'came to a fruitful close on the 15th of April and we bring you a complete round up of the event,just in case you missed it,This was Twitter's first such developer meet,which is quite surprising as they have over 100,000 third-Party applications already developed for their platform.At the confernece,a lot announcements were made about features that will be implemented in the near future,and about some features that are already in action.Here are some of the highlights:

Twitter is working on a feature called Points of interest,which will provide support for working with Geo-location features.

Twitter introduced a whole bunch of new API features,such as the new User Stream feature,which will allow desktop application to work with user's post,retweets,direct messages and response;all in one development model.

Apple iPad:A Touch-Feel First Look

Posted by gurur@j on , under | comments (0)

Apple iPad
A Touch-Feel First Look

As an Internet Device

While Safari is capable enough,the browser is let-down by the 256MB of RAM in the ipad.You won't be able to browse certain forums or sites,especially those with lots of images,or worse GIFs.The browser might stall and fail to completely load such pages.Safari also doesn't render some sites as it should-but these are few and far in between.However,since Apple refuse to support Flash,some sites will simply not work.You thus can't access the entire Internet on the iPad.Hopefully,the industry will sort this mess out and we can move forward without leaving our favourite sites behind.

As an e-Book Reader

It's an almost perfect book reader.Almost.Perfect would have been somehow marrying e-ink technology with LCD technology.But since we don't live in that Parallel universe,We cant have both(Yet).The issue?Depending on yours eyes,you might not be able to handle long Periods of reading on the Apple iPad's screen due to its backlit nature.The iPad's dpi is also not as high as the iphone's so the fonts rendered aren't as sharp as the iPhone's.

As a Comic Book Reader

The screen is just a tad smaller than ideal.About 2-inches more and it would make a perfect comic book replacement as comics would fit as is.Right now,comic readersneed to do a bit of zooming to make the panels readable.Readers such as Marvel Comics offer a very cool panel-fly effect which Pans,Zooms,and moves around comic panels lending some drama to a comic book.

The Apple iPad As a Movie Device

It's perfect.Almost.Again,the source of your videos would determine your experience.If you have a lot of DVDs,then prepare to rip thems;ditto for Blu-rays.If you have movies from other sources,then consider buying Air Video-an excellent application that transcodes everything that isn't tied down by DRM.It does the transcoding on -the-fly,over-the -air and streams it to your Apple ipad.It also handles off-line transcoding and Queues.Bottom line:if you have a lot of videos,Air video will be the best $3 you will spend on the Apple iPad.

Taking care of your flash memory

Posted by gurur@j on Sunday, May 09, 2010 , under | comments (0)

Taking care of your flash memory

Minimise the number of times you access the card.This means tracking every read and write operation,and carefully reading only the number of times necessary.Copy the files off the card before editing them or uploading them.

1.Wipe the card clean,but don't do this excessively.

2.Use the "Safely remove"or"unmount"option before removing your card from a computer.

3.Don't "hot-swap",which is removing or putting in a memory card when the device is turned on,even if your device support this.

4.Keep a backup card handy at all times,so that your work does nt stop in it's tracks.

5.Race for memory failure,your card is going to go kaput some time or another.Be prepared for it with regular backups.

That Memory Card has a name!

Posted by gurur@j on Friday, May 07, 2010 , under | comments (0)

That Memory Card has a name!

There is a wide variety cards and flash storage media in the market,and in common use,We have seen people calling these everything from"memory"to GB".Memory cads following the specifications of scanDisk,the specifications of the secure Digital(SD)group with Panasonic,ScanDisk,Toshiba and Kodack and properly Sony specifications.ScanDisk is the only company that manufactures memory cards of all these specefications,and is even involved with sony.The SDHC(Secure Digital High Capacity)variants for the SD cards offer more storage capacity.

A CompactFlash Card is typically used in prosumer,superZoom and SLR Cameras

The SD Flash card is commonly used in consumer digital cameras,some camcorders and PMPs

The short Lived MiniSD specification,was used in PMPs,cameras and some mobile phones

The MicroSD Card is the smallest flash memory available to the general public,and is used in Phones,gaming consoles,increasingly in PMPs and small digital cameras.

The memory stick Micro M2 is not to be confused with the MiniSD card,and is used in mobile Phones and some PMPs.

The Memory Stick Pro Duo is a newer standard by sony,used in camcorders,camera and for gaming consoles.

Sony Memory Stick,used on older cameras and camcorders.If you have a device that uses this,it is time to get a replacement.


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